Can Professors Tell If You Use ChatGPT?

You might be tempted to use ChatGPT to help in your academic writing, but the question stands; Can professors tell if you use ChatGPT? This article will explore the pros and cons of using ChatGPT in academia and discuss the ethical concerns and security risks involved. We’ll also look at how professors can detect ChatGPT use and whether Turnitin can pick it up. Hopefully, you will get the answer to the burning question by the end!

Using ChatGPT for Research 

ChatGPT can be an excellent tool for research, but with some drawbacks. In very brief, let’s explore some pros and cons of using ChatGPT in academic settings:


  • ChatGPT can generate high-quality text quickly, saving time and effort.
  • It can help improve writing skills by suggesting more sophisticated vocabulary and grammar.
  • It can generate ideas and outlines, providing a starting point for research and writing.
  • It can also explore different perspectives and viewpoints, enhancing critical thinking.


  • Using ChatGPT can be considered cheating/plagiarism if not used appropriately.
  • Professors and universities can detect ChatGPT usage through plagiarism detection software and AI detection tools.
  • Ethical concerns arise when using a tool that generates content without proper attribution or credit.
  • Security risks arise if one inputs sensitive or confidential information into ChatGPT.

ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for academic writing, but using it ethically and responsibly is essential. It’s always best to check with your professors if ChatGPT is acceptable for research and writing. ChatGPT should supplement your writing and research skills, not replace them.

Can Professors Tell If You Use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can help you create compelling essays, research papers, and emails in no time. However, using ChatGPT for academic writing can raise ethical concerns, security risks, and academic integrity issues.

While there are some ways to detect ChatGPT cheating, they may not be foolproof. Let’s explore some methods professors may use to detect ChatGPT use in academic writing.

Using AI detection software 

AI Detection tools like ContentDetector.AI  can scan submitted academic writing for similarities with known ChatGPT-generated text and instantly tell if any matches are found. Lot of other popular plagiarism tools such as Turnitin also working on AI Content Detection tools. 

Comparing the writing style of submitted assignments 

Professors can also compare the writing style of submitted assignments to known ChatGPT outputs. ChatGPT generates text based on its training data, and it has a specific writing style that, after some time, can seem generic. If a student’s writing style drastically differs from their previous work or other students in the class, it could raise suspicion for cheating.

Despite the detection methods used, some cases may slip through the cracks, and professors may not be able to tell if a student has used ChatGPT. However, plagiarism/ AI detection tools are constantly improving, and it is best to avoid using ChatGPT for academic writing altogether. 

Additionally, ChatGPT may not fully develop a student’s writing skills and could be considered unethical. Instead, it’s recommended that students improve their writing skills through practice and feedback from professors and peers. Therefore, students must prioritize academic integrity, use ChatGPT responsibly, and avoid using it for high-stakes assignments.

It’s “Basically High-Tech Plagiarism” and “a Way of Avoiding Learning” —Noam Chomsky on ChatGPT.

How Are Universities Responding to ChatGPT Cheating?

The use of ChatGPT by students has caused concern for universities as they try to maintain academic integrity. It is of utmost importance to explore how universities are responding to the issue of ChatGPT cheating.

Using ChatGPT detection software 

AI Detection tools like ContentDetector.AI  can scan submitted academic writing for similarities with known ChatGPT-generated text and instantly tell if any matches are found.

Updating academic guidelines

Universities are also updating their academic guidelines to clarify what is and isn’t acceptable use of AI tools like ChatGPT. Professors are being instructed to clarify in their assignments whether AI tools can be used and how they should be cited. This way, students know the expectations and consequences of using ChatGPT for academic writing [2].

 “Assessment as we know it is over. You can’t trust anything that students do at home. GPT4 is going to be even more amazing.” —Redditor discussing ChatGPT use in education

Can ChatGPT Be Used Ethically in Education?

ChatGPT could revolutionize writing and research with its ability to mimic human writing. Before using ChatGPT in education, ethical considerations must be addressed. 

In this section, we’ll briefly discuss this.

ChatGPT Ethics in Education

Plagiarism is one of the primary ethical concerns of ChatGPT’s use in education. It’s explained here.

Another ethical issue arises from ChatGPT being biased. If ChatGPT’s training data is partial, its responses may be too. Politics, religion, and social justice may be affected [3].

Potential Benefits of Using ChatGPT in Education

In education, ChatGPT can have many benefits. For instance, ChatGPT may be helpful in research. It can analyze massive text data and find insights humans would need help to find. From psychology to linguistics, this could yield new insights.

Learning-disabled students may benefit from ChatGPT in education. ChatGPT can create personalized learning materials for each student. It could generate text-to-speech materials for visually impaired and cognitively disabled students in a simplified language [5].

Transparency and Integrity

In education, the use of ChatGPT must be transparent and honest. Professors, teachers, and universities should warn students against using ChatGPT for academic writing. ChatGPT should only be used as a research tool, and students should only submit work generated partially by the tool [3, 4].

Ethical usage of ChatGPT in Education

ChatGPT can be used ethically in combination with ContentDetector.AI and other AI detection tools.

Teachers can help students improve their writing skills by providing feedback on ChatGPT’s writing generated by students.


While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for research and writing, it can also raise ethical concerns, security risks, and academic integrity issues if not used appropriately. Professors and universities can detect ChatGPT use through plagiarism detection software and AI detection tools. There are ways to compare the writing style of submitted assignments to known ChatGPT outputs. Despite the detection methods used, some cases may slip through the cracks, and professors may not be able to tell if a student has used ChatGPT. 

It is best to avoid using ChatGPT for academic writing to prioritize academic integrity and prevent the risks involved. Universities are also updating their academic guidelines to clarify where it is and isn’t acceptable to use AI tools like ChatGPT. Professors are being instructed to clarify in their assignments whether AI tools can be used and how they should be cited. ChatGPT can be a powerful tool but using it ethically and responsibly is essential.

“In the age of AI, we need to prioritize transparency and academic integrity in education.” —Ethan Mollick, Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


How is ChatGPT changing the landscape of traditional assessment methods in education?

To put it simply, ChatGPT is a cutting-edge technology that is changing the way we assess student learning. Traditional assessment methods, such as multiple-choice tests and essay exams, can only measure a student’s knowledge to a certain extent. However, with ChatGPT, students can interact with an AI-powered language model capable of answering their questions and providing real-time personalized feedback.

This means that students can receive instant feedback on their understanding of a topic, and educators can better understand each student’s learning needs. ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities allow for more open-ended and authentic assessments, which can better reflect a student’s real-world skills and abilities.

What steps can students take to ensure academic integrity while using ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for learning and assessment, students must use it responsibly and ethically. Here are some tips to help maintain academic integrity when using ChatGPT:

  • Use ChatGPT as a supplement to your learning, not a replacement. Don’t rely solely on ChatGPT to do your homework or draft your papers.
  • Make sure to cite any information or ideas from ChatGPT properly. Like any other source, you must give credit where credit is due.
  • Don’t copy and paste answers from ChatGPT into your assignments. This is considered plagiarism and can have severe consequences.

If you’re unsure how to use ChatGPT ethically, talk to your instructor or academic advisor. They can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.

Remember, academic integrity is not just about following rules – it’s about cultivating a sense of intellectual honesty and responsibility. By using ChatGPT ethically and responsibly, you can ensure that your academic work reflects your unique voice and perspective.


  1. The Human Need for Ethical Guidelines Around ChatGPT | Insights | Walton College | University of Arkansas (
  2. ChatGPT and Education | Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning | Northern Illinois University (
  3. ChatGPT: the end of online exam integrity? | IIEP Unesco – Etico | Platform on ethics and corruption in education
  4. ChatGPT for students with Dyslexia? Expert Opinion: Examining the use of ChatGPT as an Assistive Technology Tool for Students with Learning Disabilities (