Ritik Sharma

Ritik Sharma

I’m a finance graduate from Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of Delhi. I’m passionate about finance, innovation, learning, and efficiency. I love AI because it tickles all my passions. I want to learn and teach as much as I can. That’ll be my way of living. To connect, drop a ‘Hi’ in my socials.

Does Google Penalize Al Generated Content?

Are you a content creator and wondering if Google penalizes AI generated content? With AI becoming increasingly prevalent in online publishing, it’s crucial to understand Google’s stance on it. This article aims to comprehensively answer your questions, drawing from expert…

Is ChatGPT 100% plagiarism free?

ChatGPT has been accused of plagiarism by critics. Because individuals and businesses rely on ChatGPT for academic and professional writing, ensuring it is entirely plagiarism-free is critical. Is ChatGPT 100% plagiarism free? This article explores the accusations and assesses ChatGPT’s…